Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tourism marketing research

Question: Discuss about the Tourism marketing research. Answer: Introduction The study illustrates the marketing overview of Shrewsbury, a quintessentially English town located at the border region of Wales and England. Shrewsbury is a town that has the essence of medieval England along with rich cultural heritage. The market overview of the tourism of Shrewsbury along with the customer information is explained in a detailed manner in the study. Apart from that, the budgets and control measures of the marketing plan of Shrewsbury are explained in the study in the context of Shrewsburys promotional plan based on the needs and demands of the customers. The information of the customers is essential for describing the different types of marketing activities. The main objective of the study is to provide information regarding the marketing overview of the place located in the country of England. However, it can be said that tourism contributes a vital part in the economy of the country. Marketing and Product Overview Shrewsbury is a town that has the essence of rich medieval historical cultural heritage. There are many visiting areas in the place that will attract the different target customers to the place. The tourism sector of England is proven the main contributor to the economy of the country. The economic development of the country depends a lot on the tourism sector of the country. The business turnover of the tourism industry is gradually increasing due to the increase in the rate of employment of the country (Gustavo 2014). It can be said that the tourism industry of England is popular as the country have many areas that are visited by tourists not only from the home country but also from other countries of the world. It can be said that the domestic visitors are less in number that of the international tourists. The current marketing plan of Shrewsbury is responsible for attracting more tourists to the place. However, as the trends of the tourism industry is changing day by day. Tourism departments of every country are adopting different sustainable strategies that not only promote the unique essence of the place but also it also attracts more visitors to those places. The leisure visitors of different parts of the world are in search of the essence of new places. The tourism department of the country will target the customers who are interested to visit Shrewsbury not only for the first time but also at regular intervals (Hall 2014). The main reasons of visitors of Shrewsbury are shopping culture, food culture and the sight seen. Millions of the visitors are visiting Shrewsbury due to the ethic culture and historical significance of the place. The place is famous for different types of monuments and castles that are built many years ago. These are responsible for maintaining the cultural heritage of the place. Apart from that the eat outs and shopping areas are unique in nature, as the markets and shopping malls are selling products that are available only in Shrewsbury not in other places. It is the cause of attracting many customers. The marketing campaigns of the place must have to focus on these aspects in order to attract the target customers from both the domestic areas as well as international destinations (McCabe 2014). Apart from that, the sustainability issues in formation of new marketing strategies are to be pointed out in the form of the promoting the place to the target customers. Highlighting the a spects will help in developing the features and the facilities that are provided by the tourism department to the visitors of Shrewsbury. These features along with the place can be categorised under different sections of a product. They are core product, actual product and the augmented product. These products can be transformed into services and the attributes are added in terms of the different types of products or services (Khan 2014). Customer Information The customer segment of the place i.e. Shrewsbury consists of four categories. The demographic characteristics along with the psychographic characteristics of the target customers of the tourism marketing are described in details in the following. Different types of characters and behaviours of the customers are essential to understand in order to figure out their characteristics, expectations and preferences of the customers from the tourist destinations (Bejou and Palmer 2013). Discoverers- Discoverers are the visitors who fall under the age of 55. The class of the customers is C1. The discoverers are considered as the most active visitors of Shrewsbury during the daytime. They are also considered as the short breaks in various rural locations as well as the last minute deal takers. In the relaxed pace of a life these visitors are high spending in nature. intellectual changes in the form of arts and culture are important in the different aspects of the life of the discoverers (McCabe 2014). Traditionals- Traditionals are the visitors who fall under the age group of 46 to 65. In the mature market, the intellectual changes in terms of culture, arts, museums, historic sites and churches. The traditionals usually enjoys various experiences that are regarding to gardens, short breaks, favouring the place, etc. Day visitors- The day visitors are also known as potterers and sightseers. The socio economic category of these visitors is ABC1. These are usually couples. The couples between the age group of 45 plus age group are fond of short trips. Due to the heavy stress in work, short trips usually act as a stress-buster for them in order to create a break in their daily schedule of work. They are fond of sight seen most preferably. These groups of visitors are fond of different scenes in streets and usually shops from independent shops and the food offer (Khan 2014). Cosmopolitans- The cosmopolitans falls under the age group of 42 plus. The demographic characteristics of the cosmopolitans are categorised as high income group people, post family, active like shopping, culture and arts, urban based people, etc. The cosmopolitans at Shrewsbury will enjoy relaxation, challenge, value peace and discovery. They are the visitors that consists of the most of the visitors of Shrewsbury (Wearing and Schweinsberg 2016). Previous data of the tourists points out the fact that the cosmopolitans are more in number than any visitors of other demographic segments of the visitors. However, it can be said that, the break-up of the nature and preferences of the customers will help the tourism of Shrewsbury in formulating a proper marketing strategy and proposing marketing campaigns of the tourism of Shrewsbury while highlighting the different characteristics of the place. Apart from that, the STP (segmenting, targeting and positioning) of the marketing strategy will be benefitted if the marketer of the tourism department knows the nature and the details of the target customers (Melis et al. 2015). Budget and Controls The total budget that is being allocated for the formulation of marketing campaign of Shrewsbury is 100,000 per annum. It can be said that out of the total budget, 60% of the total budget will be spend n the promotional marketing campaign for tourism of Shrewsbury while the rest 40% of the budget will be used in the other 4Ps of marketing mix i.e. price, place and product (Hall 2014). The budget for the advertising campaign is huge and it needs to be controlled by measuring its effectiveness in the market. Apart from that, a separate goal for the marketing of the tourism of Shrewsbury will be set in the form of SMART objective so that it can be controlled and monitored with due course of time. The strategic management department of the tourism department must abide by regulations that monitor the control over the budget as well as the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns adopted for the promotion of the place both in the online and offline market to the target customers. The process of monitoring also includes performance management measures of the different individuals associated for the success of the marketing campaign (Dolnicar and Ring 2014). Conclusion The study focuses on the specialities of Shrewsbury in the marketing aspects. The place has different types of specialties that can be responsible for creating a competitive advantage for the place compared to the other tourist places in United Kingdom. The information regarding the customers will help the tourism department of Shrewsbury in understanding the nature of the demands of the customers. The portfolio of the tourists is essential in formulating strategy for the promotion of the place. Apart from that, the marketing objectives will be achievable within the mentioned budget and it will be successful in accomplishing the goals set during the formulation of marketing strategies. The controls of the methods help in monitoring the activities of the marketing activities along with the customers preferences. The budget of the marketing is divided into different promotional campaigns that will help in maintaining the budget in other aspects of marketing. References Bejou, D. and Palmer, A., 2013.The future of relationship marketing. Routledge. 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