Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Computer Security and Educational Services - 1081 Words

Unit 5 Assignment 1: Testing and Monitoring Security Controls Learning Objectives and Outcomes ï‚ § You will learn to recognize security events and baseline anomalies that might indicate suspicious activity. ï‚ § You will learn to identify policy violations and security breaches and to appropriately monitor threats and control activity across the network. Assignment Requirements Refer to the handout Testing and Monitoring Security Controls. It contains information on security events or breaches and baseline anomalies. After studying the handout, answer the following questions: ï‚ § Identify at least two types of security events and baseline anomalies that might indicate suspicious activity. ï‚ § Given a list of policy violations and security†¦show more content†¦Ã¯â€š § Open network drive shares allow storage privileges to outside users. ï‚ § Sensitive laptop data is unencrypted and susceptible to physical theft. ï‚ § Remote users do not have recent patches or current updates. ï‚ § Legitimate traffic bearing a malicious payload exploits network services. ï‚ § An invalid protocol header disrupts a critical network service. ï‚ § Removable storage drives introduce malware filtered only when crossing the network. ï‚ § Predictable passwords meet minimum length requirements but remain easily guessable. ï‚ § Bad router permissions allow attackers to modify configurations or disrupt traffic.  © ITT Educational Services Page 2 NT2580 Introduction to Information Security STUDENT COPY: Graded Assignment Requirements Unit 5 Assignment 2: Define an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Learning Objectives and Outcomes ï‚ § You will learn to successfully identify inappropriate activity on a network and to develop a basic AUP that describes the handling of such incidents. Assignment Requirements Richman Investments requires the enforcement of strict ingress-egress filtering policies for network traffic. Certain traffic is expressly forbidden: ï‚ § No peer-to-peer file sharing or externally reachable fileShow MoreRelatedCyber Case Study912 Words   |  4 Pagesthese days. At the same time, greater connectivity provides more potential attack vectors. Below are some of the cyber threats that educational institutions come across. IT security threats can be classified into mainly 4 categories: Internal External Physical Social engineering and software driven Internal security threats Employees - In the 2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index, IBM found that 60% of all attacks were carried out by insiders. 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