Monday, May 18, 2020

My Future as an Electrical Engineer - 1008 Words

Engineering is the application of scientific, economic design and a wide range of other specialized fields of engineering. As an engineer, there are four major different areas of engineering work that I can concern about, that is chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Beyond this four, sources separate to other main branches. Based on the electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run the world, there is a hopeful future in taking this major as my direction of future. However, what exactly is the benefit of this major; am I suppose to choose this major; what kinds of job opportunities that I am able to get and various of other questions are what I concerned†¦show more content†¦Compared with other majors, electrical engineering has more requirements on courses and credits. So, I tried to seek the main benefits from learning all of these courses. You gain a wide range of knowledge during your st udies, electrical engineering is not one dimensional at all. The Circuits and System are related with physical; Digital Logic Fundamentals is about mathematic; every basic study gives me a wide range of skills, for instance, from electronic transmit to programming. In the mean time, I am able to gain computer skills during the studies because computers are the only tool to run analysis and tweak components or electrical circuits. Consider that the modern world is run by computers, I am sure that having great computer skills will be the most advantage of having a job in the future. The biggest benefit of having electrical engineering is surely the increase of the job opportunity. Although there are various of jobs are provided to the electrical engineers, the types and details of jobs are still unclear. As I mentioned earlier, electrical engineers are extremely versatile because the work can be related with many engineering disciplines or natural science disciplines. Not only that, but electrical engineers also pursue other fields such as medicine and law. A dynamic and rapidly changing field with career opportunities in variety of different systems. According to the research, many areas and businesses are seekingShow MoreRelatedMechanical Engineering : Electrical Engineering1277 Words   |  6 PagesElectrical Engineering Electrical Engineering is â€Å" The branch of engineering concerned with the generation, transmission, distribution, and use of electricity. Its two main branches are power engineering and electronics (including telecommunications). 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